Shoulder pain treatment with the help of chiropractor in san francisco

Subluxations of the AC joint

A chiropractor can treat subluxations of the ac joint using a variety of techniques, including spinal adjustments, joint mobilization, and soft tissue therapy. Spinal adjustments can help to realign the vertebrae and alleviate any pressure or tension on the joint. Joint mobilization can help to restore normal movement and reduce any stiffness in the joint. Soft tissue therapy can help to reduce inflammation, improve muscle balance, and help to restore full range of motion.

Frozen shoulder

A chiropractor can treat frozen shoulder with a combination of manual manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and exercises to reduce pain, improve range of motion, and strengthen the shoulder muscles. Manipulation helps to reduce pain and improve joint mobility. Soft tissue therapy helps to reduce tension in the muscles and tendons, while exercises help to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. The chiropractic treatment plan may also include lifestyle and diet modifications to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.


As a local chiropractor in San Francisco, I can provide treatments such as soft tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilization, to help reduce inflammation, improve range of motion, and promote healing in the area. Additionally, I may recommend lifestyle and ergonomic changes, and suggest exercises to strengthen the muscles and tendons around the affected area to prevent further injury.


Here I treat bursitis by using a combination of physical therapy, manipulation of the affected joint, and lifestyle changes. Physical therapy can help reduce inflammation, pain, and stiffness in the area. Manipulation of the joint can reduce tightness and increase range of motion. Lifestyle changes, such as avoiding activities that put too much stress on the joint, can help reduce flare-ups. Additionally, I may use ultrasound, massage, or electrical stimulation to help reduce pain and inflammation.

Tear in the rotator cuff& Rotator cuff sprain

A chiropractor can treat a tear in the rotator cuff, or sprain, by performing gentle adjustments to the affected joint and muscles to improve joint mobility, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve range of motion. At our office, I may also use special exercises and stretching techniques to help strengthen and support the muscles and tendons around the joint. In addition, use ultrasound or electrical stimulation to further reduce pain and inflammation.